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Ten Books That Transformed My Private Practice

Devouring the wisdom of others is one of the most common traits I see among successful business owners in all industries. By devouring, I mean they take in large quantities of thought, digest it and seek to pull out at least a couple usable nuggets for personal growth or professional evolution.

In particular, they focus on the hard earned wisdom acquired during others' journeys, in the hopes of shortening their owning learning curves. They do this, not in an effort to copy them or become them, but to rely on that which is already known, while they push into their unknown and build a better business or life.

Soak that in... highly successful people look for ways to shorten their learning curves, as part of reinventing themselves or the wheel. 

So, in that vein, here's my list of the best, game-changing thought from others when it came to building my six-time Inc 5000 mental health practice... 

Disclosure: While I do whole-heartedly recommend every one of these books, I...

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The Changing Economics of Mental Health Private Practice by Ken Clark

Trigger warning for bad news, pessimism, etc. 
Background on this post: 
Someone had started another thread about what they fear are the long-term implications of the NSA. What follows are my opinions and could definitely be wrong, but also reflect my prior career as a Wall Street professional who analyzed industry directions as part of what I did. It also reflects my experience writing an insurance licensing textbook prior to grad school and the insight I've gathered running a 200+ clinician practice (which makes me privy to some higher level discussions with payers, industry analysts, etc). Let me preface all this by saying, what lies ahead for outpatient mental health has already happened in other healthcare sectors, so none of this is too surprising. It's simply the economic reality of the exploding demand for mental health, as well as the relative lack of regulations around how much services are accessed and how outcomes are measured.
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